Support & Contact Information

If you require help with using the immobilize system, or have a query not answered by this site, please visit our online support site where you are able to search knowledgebase articles and submit tickets to request support. Due to the free nature of the Immobilize service we are unable to offer support by phone.

If you find an item of property that is marked as being registered on Immobilize we recommend that you take it to your nearest lost property office or police station. They will be able to securely search against the item's unique identity numbers to make contact with the owner and reunite them with their property.

Alternatively you can return the item(s) to Immobilize at the address below and we will perform the search directly. If you have any queries please contact Immobilize via our online support site.

As well as marking your phone lost or stolen within your Immobilize account it is important that you immediately call your network operator to block the phone's IMEI and SIM. Until you notify your network operator and tell them of the loss / theft you may be liable for the cost of any calls made.

Please note that although marking your phone as stolen within Immobilize will show up immediately on police searches, for insurance claims you may still need to report the theft to the police directly in order to obtain a crime reference number.

If you wish to write to us via post please use the details below:

Immobilize National Property Register
c/o Recipero Inc.
1321 Upland Dr
PMB 19106
Texas 77043

Recipero is the provider of Immobilize, for more information about Recipero please visit our corporate website at

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